27 Mar Mobile telecomms and data storage / management provider
Mobile telecomms and data storage / management provider
Type of company:
Mobile telecomms and data storage / management provider.
Size of company:
£5.5billion, 7,000 staff.
To penetrate the corporate sector with new B2B data management service.
Corporate targets have little or no awareness of this supplier’s credentials in the data management area. They needed to build credibility quickly with the decision maker and influencer group.
Development and implementation of monthly content- rich marketing campaign to raise awareness among hundreds of freshly researched key contacts. Follow up with sales plan directed towards individuals who showed interest in the content, i.e. via click-throughs, email opens, the forwarding of content, direct responses.. Use those relationships to influence the wider group. Organisation of meetings, trials and pilot user schemes.
£5000, comprising 4 UK Organisational Maps at £250 per company = £1,000, PLUS Quarterly Management Moves update reports pinpointing individuals leaving and joining each target organisation in relevant roles. £250 per quarter per company = £4,000.
Pilot, funded, 3-month test scheme agreed with one of the 4 banking groups – value £300,000, Ongoing account development.
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